Hyrr Verja Fjandmadr
Fire protects you from your enemies
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Meet the cryptic Morrigan! The most mysterious of all her siblings, Morrigan has a way of keeping what she knows to herself. Cunning in every sense of the word she is a young lady who knows what she wants, when she wants it, and most of all exactly how to get it. If a confidant was every to be trusted Morrigan would be that pup. Twisting words and finding loopholes when answering questions is just one of her best traits. But the cherry on the top is her sharp tongue which will quickly trash a witty, and sometimes insensitive, comment if you give her the opportunity.
Watching her siblings fuddle around with controllers is a laughable concept; are to simple. The commands required for PC gaming is far superior in Morrigans opinion, even if she never states it verbally. While Dragon Age is by far the ladies game of choice she can most often be found fussing around with other games that play similarly to a MMO style. In truth she has grown quite skilled within the world of Azeroth as a Blood Elf Druid. What a better way to spend an evening than silently frustrating your brother while improving your combination skills.