Hyrr Verja Fjandmadr
Fire protects you from your enemies
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Not quite as bright as the color of his coat, Ray was a little on the slow minded side. That fact never kept him down though! Always up and ready to make someone laugh right out of their seat! Whenever an argument would break out within his family Ray was always front and center trying to use jokes as a distraction. Among his siblings it could be said he was the most liked, as he never engaged with anything negative, but secretly that was just to avoid his own personal stress. Ray was one of the most down to earth guys around, and dealing with judgmental attitudes was the last thing on his to-do list. Rather yet he would spent his time learning new jokes or exploring a new section of the city.
Friendly, inquisitive, sensitive, driven, and funny: this extrovert could make even a sociopath laugh. A total ENFP personality type.