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Hyrr Verja Fjandmadr

Fire protects you from your enemies




  • Control

  • Organization

  • Pop and classical music

  • Not having control

  • Chaos

  • Criminals

  • Criminal rights groups

Controlling - Logical - Blunt


Sassy and controlling, Lanallal always knows what she wants and when she wants it. Type A isn't sufficient -- she's practically a "super" Type A. This qualities make her a superb prosecutor -- not as good of relationship material however.

Lanallal works very closely with Horus on his cases. He finds the criminals and she makes sure they're convicted. After a few close calls with families look for revenge, she got her firearm certification and learned self defense. Past experiences have made her a bit paranoid, so everything she owns as some kind of smart lock or security. Only close friends are allowed in her home (she doesn't have any), so it's as secure as it can be. When you prosecute killers, you can never be too careful.

She is extremely logical -- everything is black or it's white. There is no in between. She believes the law is very clear. There is no room for vigilante justice or "re-interpretations" of laws. Lanallal doesn't believe criminals can be "rehabilitated". This is one topic she and Horus vehemently disagree on. Any discussion on the topic often leads to heated stalemates.

In the courtroom, she is a firestorm. Confidence oozes from her as she is truly in her element. Her win rate is 98%.


friends, rivals, family, etc.



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