Hyrr Verja Fjandmadr
Fire protects you from your enemies
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In a ring of bubbles, Afshak's head, and long neck, broke the surface. His back and tail also popped out of the water, looking like a classic Sea monster. The long series of fins down his spine served as stabilization while swimming, to keep from spinning like a torpedo uncontrollably. Afshak has large lungs, allowing him to spend a long time under the water, as well as to create a large amount of bubbles. He uses the bubbles as both a hunting technique, and a defense, as well as for fun. It seemed the river was rather dull and 'over fished', and so it was easy to convince Afshak to come along with me, with the promise of a variety of types of Sushi available back home..
[credit to Tak for writing this!]